Lil’ Raskals’ Lookout
Covered with weathered wood warning signs, the Lil' Raskal's Lookout is a secret clubhouse for boys and girls where grown-ups dare not venture. A sliding peephole in the front door lets pipsqueaks peek out and see who is there, but beware! Without the password, access will be denied. A loft with skylight and lookout telescope warns of your approach. Shhhh. Step softly upon the front porch lest your footsteps be heard.
Imagine sleep-outs and secret meetings! Don't forget to accessorize this outdoor playhouse with a sturdy Crate Table and Chair set, custom made for your "little rascals." Playtime and clubhouse meetings will never be the same!
Playhouse Features Include:
Loft, Skylight, Faux Hardwood Floor, Customized Signs, Speak Easy Door
Playhouse Options:
You may also incorporate play activities such as swings, slides, climbing walls, tunnels, etc. to make your playhouse an active as well as creative play space. Consult with a Lilliput design specialist to discuss.
Playhouse Specifications:
- Base size: 6′ wide x 8′ deep house, with 4’wide x 3′ deep porch deck
- Front wall height: 93″ (120″ to top of lookout)
- Back wall height: 81″
- Door height: 59″
- Porch: 4′ wide x 3′ deep
Playhouse Colors:
Kale Green, Extra White, Weathered Wood